So, I’ve populated the about page. I’ve added a page with high level design notes. Whilst applying the security and solutions to a new directory is relatively simple as you don’t have legacy systems to support, there shouldn’t be any reason why you can’t look to use this as a design goal, I know I will be. I have setup and linked new accounts for Facebook and Twitter so feel free to look up, like and follow the accounts.
I normally have access to a full home lab running on a HP Blade Chassis with several blades installed running Hyper-V, a HP Lefthand SAN for shared storage, Cisco blade switch and Meraki Switch/Firewall/WAP. However due to a lack of air conditioning, this has had to be powered off for the UK summer. All is not lost though, I have a chance to go through setting everything up again using an Azure Lab care of an MSDN subscription at work. As much as I would like my entire lab to be in Azure, it’s actually cheaper for me to power the home lab all the time which allows me to quickly test something out rather than having to wait for things to start up.
Hopefully this post will test all the linked accounts and the next post will start going through some of the environment.