Our second test session at Rye House was a partial success but with a lot of learning opportunities. We found more issues with the kart.
Preparing for Test Session
We had an upcoming test session, so did some additional work to the kart to prepare for it. Not a long post but documented non the less.
Fixing up the kart
After the test session, we realised some work needed to be done on the kart. This post outlines what we did.
Rye House Rookie Cup – Round 2
Review of Round 2 of the Rookie Cup, an arrive and drive Cadet Kart Championship held at Rye House that my eldest took part in.
First Test Session
After buying a kart on a bit of a whim, we gave it a check over before heading over to Rye House to give it a shakedown, learn and see how it goes.
Returning to Karting
The eldest decided to return to karting. This post goes catches up on where we are now up to with it all.
Building a new PC
I decided that I needed to up my RGB game with my main desktop. Built a new PC using AMD. ASUS and Corsair products.
Lidl Zigbee bulb stopped automating
Automation of a light bulb stopped working within Home Assistant. Community helped diagnose the issue. Found a workaround calling the service directly.
Switch from Conbee II to Sonoff hub
Switched out the Conbee II Zigbee hub for a Sonoff Zigbee bridge running Tasmota firmware. Gave some thought to network design. Attempted to resolve SNZB-04 issues as well.
Xiaomi Honeywell Smoke Sensor
Unbox Xiaomi Honeywell Smoke Sensor. Added to Home Assistant and then added some basic automations. Fun, will get some more of these hopefully.