A small update once again, having attempted the big ends in situ, the engine mount bolts wouldn’t free up so soaking them in WD40 and will have another go soon. After failing at the engine mounts, fitted the HID’s but as there is no difference to appearance I haven’t taken a photo.
Tonight I have managed to get the Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature gauges in place and wired up fully.
and a semi-decent pic (I only have my iPhone as a camera and they are crap at night) of the boost gauge. Got a Water temp gauge to fit still and I think I have one spare slot to fill at some point.
Anyway, have got my name down on the Japspeed group buy for strut braces and after I was under the car, it would appear that one of the front ARB drop links is dead and the ARB bush is also dead so will be either replacing them or getting a full Apex ARB setup. Hopefully sourced a pre-facelift bumper for pennies so there is another mod. Still got the Air Con to strip out and then fit the front mount as well